46 research outputs found

    Segmentación de Imágenes Basada en Entropía de Pixel

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    In this research, a new methodology for color image segmentation is proposed. In this approach, a pixel entropy derivative based rule is used. The algorithm is tested not only with good quality images, but also with some of them with light scattering and absortion problems.  Preliminary results shows good performance of this algorithm.Keywords: Image processing, segmentation, entropy, feedback.

    Diseño de una pierna robótica con accionamientos no lineales

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    En este artículo se demuestra que la utilización de accionamientos no lineales en las articulaciones de una pierna robótica, puede mejorar sustancialmente la eficiencia energética de la misma. Esta clase accionamiento pueden compensar más efectivamente las fuerzas inerciales y gravitatorias que otras realizaciones clásicas, además de contar con propiedades de auto-frenado al acercarse a las restricciones cinemáticas propias de la articulación

    Methodology for Zero-moment Point Experimental Modeling in the Frequency Domain

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    Frequency domain methodology is applied to obtain a nominal model for the Zero-Moment Point (ZMP) stability index of a biped robot in an attempt to establish a relationship between the robot trunk trajectories and the stability margin of the contact surface of the foot (or feet) touching the supporting soil. To this end the biped robot trunk is excited with a variable frequency sinusoidal signal around several operating points. These input oscillations generate other output oscillations that can be analyzed with the help of the ZMP measurement system. The proposed ZMP modeling approach not only considers classical rigid body model uncertainties but also non-modelled robot mechanical structure vibration modes. The non-linear ZMP model is obtained following three consecutive stages: Equivalent inverted pendulum dynamics, where saturation and acceleration upper bounds are taken into account, non-modelled inverted pendulum dynamics, including non-linear effects, and low-pass dynamics defining the system cut-off frequency. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated in practice with the SILO2 biped robot prototype, and a simple control strategy is implemented in order to validate experimentally the usefulness of the models developed.Frequency domain methodology is applied to obtain a nominal model for the Zero-Moment Point (ZMP) stability index of a biped robot in an attempt to establish a relationship between the robot trunk trajectories and the stability margin of the contact surface of the foot (or feet) touching the supporting soil. To this end the biped robot trunk is excited with a variable frequency sinusoidal signal around several operating points. These input oscillations generate other output oscillations that can be analyzed with the help of the ZMP measurement system. The proposed ZMP modeling approach not only considers classical rigid body model uncertainties but also non-modelled robot mechanical structure vibration modes. The non-linear ZMP model is obtained following three consecutive stages: Equivalent inverted pendulum dynamics, where saturation and acceleration upper bounds are taken into account, non-modelled inverted pendulum dynamics, including non-linear effects, and low-pass dynamics defining the system cut-off frequency. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated in practice with the SILO2 biped robot prototype, and a simple control strategy is implemented in order to validate experimentally the usefulness of the models developed

    Robust Cascade Controller for Nonlinearly Actuated Biped Robots: Experimental Evaluation

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    In this paper we consider the postural stability problem for nonlinearly actuated quasi-static biped robots, both with respect to the joint angular positions and also with reference to the gripping effect between the foot/feet against the ground during robot locomotion. Zero moment point based mathematical models are developed to establish a relationship between the robot state variables and the stability margin of the foot (feet) contact surface and the supporting ground. Then, in correspondence with the developed dynamical model and its associated uncertainty, and in the presence of non-modeled robot mechanical structure vibration modes, we propose a robust control architecture that uses two cascade regulators. The overall robust control system consists of a nonlinear robust variable structure controller in an inner feedback loop for joint trajectory tracking, and anH∞ linear robust regulator in an outer, direct zero moment point feedback loop to ensure the foot-ground contact stability. The effectiveness of this cascade controller is evaluated using a simplified prototype of a nonlinearly actuated biped robot in double support placed on top of a one-degree-of-freedom mobile platform and subjected to external disturbances. The achieved experimental results have revealed that the simplified prototype is successfully stabilized.In this paper we consider the postural stability problem for nonlinearly actuated quasi-static biped robots, both with respect to the joint angular positions and also with reference to the gripping effect between the foot/feet against the ground during robot locomotion. Zero moment point based mathematical models are developed to establish a relationship between the robot state variables and the stability margin of the foot (feet) contact surface and the supporting ground. Then, in correspondence with the developed dynamical model and its associated uncertainty, and in the presence of non-modeled robot mechanical structure vibration modes, we propose a robust control architecture that uses two cascade regulators. The overall robust control system consists of a nonlinear robust variable structure controller in an inner feedback loop for joint trajectory tracking, and anH∞ linear robust regulator in an outer, direct zero moment point feedback loop to ensure the foot-ground contact stability. The effectiveness of this cascade controller is evaluated using a simplified prototype of a nonlinearly actuated biped robot in double support placed on top of a one-degree-of-freedom mobile platform and subjected to external disturbances. The achieved experimental results have revealed that the simplified prototype is successfully stabilized

    The R&D activity as a supporting tool for the active teaching and learning methodology in an engineering course

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    R&D activities as a supporting tool of the active teaching and learning methodologies in an engineering course has been less explored. This document compares the results obtained after two questionnaires were applied to two different groups of students at the College of Electrical Engineering (FIE) at the Universidad Tecnologica de Panama. The first questionnaire was applied to an undergraduate group of Electromechanical Engineering students. The second questionnaire was applied to FIE faculty members. Both questionnaires try to measure the insertion of R&D results in the curricular content of an engineering course while using the active teaching and learning approach.R&D activities as a supporting tool of the active teaching and learning methodologies in an engineering course has been less explored. This document compares the results obtained after two questionnaires were applied to two different groups of students at the College of Electrical Engineering (FIE) at the Universidad Tecnologica de Panama. The first questionnaire was applied to an undergraduate group of Electromechanical Engineering students. The second questionnaire was applied to FIE faculty members. Both questionnaires try to measure the insertion of R&D results in the curricular content of an engineering course while using the active teaching and learning approach

    A New Methodology for Massive Alarm Management System in Electrical Power Administration

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    The paper presents a methodology that integrates several available techniques to manage the massive amount of alarm signals in electrical power dispatch control centers, as well as the contribution of each entity involved in the systems. Artificial intelligence techniques that can be used to solve this problem are reviewed here. The final objective is to find the root cause of avalanches of alarms (failure trees) and to reduce their number through grouping or clustering techniques, complying with the EEMUA 191 standards. Even though other contributions in this topic have been made before, the alarm management problem continues to be practically unsolved for many applications in industry. Here, the integration is developed using the ontology of the alarms. Additionally, in this methodology, a rule based expert systems is used to find the "Alarm Root Cause" and Clustering Technique (data segmentation) approach to treat the historical database of alarms.The paper presents a methodology that integrates several available techniques to manage the massive amount of alarm signals in electrical power dispatch control centers, as well as the contribution of each entity involved in the systems. Artificial intelligence techniques that can be used to solve this problem are reviewed here. The final objective is to find the root cause of avalanches of alarms (failure trees) and to reduce their number through grouping or clustering techniques, complying with the EEMUA 191 standards. Even though other contributions in this topic have been made before, the alarm management problem continues to be practically unsolved for many applications in industry. Here, the integration is developed using the ontology of the alarms. Additionally, in this methodology, a rule based expert systems is used to find the "Alarm Root Cause" and Clustering Technique (data segmentation) approach to treat the historical database of alarms

    Calidad de atención a los clientes internos de la Empresa METALPREN S.A.

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    El propósito de esta indagación fue cómo es la calidad de atención con los clientes internos de empresa Metalpren S.A, La metodología utilizada y los resultados esperados fueron el Enfoque Cuantitativo de Tipo básico, Nivel Descriptivo y diseño no experimental, con una Población y muestra de 44 personas, Técnica e instrumento Encuesta - cuestionario, primero se consideró la Validación de juicio de expertos, segundo Confiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach, se aplica una muestra piloto, análisis de datos y SPSS - procesamiento ,Excel (Base datos) Estadística descriptiva: Tablas y figura de frecuencia y porcentaje, El 95.5% calificó con nivel alto en la calidad del buen servicio con el cliente interno.Tesi

    Real Time Camera Homography Error Modelling For Sensorial Data Fusion

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    The camera homography estimation involves using complex algorithms. They provide good results after some interactions, however the error model provided for such algorithm seems to be no appropriate for sensorial data fusion in real time. In this work a new methodology is proposed for camera homography and IMU data fusion. The experiment consists in rotate the camera. The experiment is done for frames. Here it is presented results about the error in homography estimation with and without bias compensation. The last section concerns about the experimental results and conclusions about this approach

    Uso de las redes sociales como medio de evangelización en los estudiantes de la Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima - 2017

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    El objetivo de la investigación es determinar el uso de las redes sociales como medio de evangelización en los estudiantes de la Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima – 2017, donde la población de estudio en la investigación estuvo conformada por un grupo de 107 estudiantes de cuatro escuelas profesionales diferentes. En el cual los resultados de la investigación muestran, primero, existen diferencias porcentuales de la actitud frente a las redes sociales como medio de evangelización, el 5.6% de los encuestados prefieren programas espirituales en internet, el 72.9% están de acuerdo en tener más de una cuenta en red social, y todos los encuestados poseen más de una cuenta. Segundo, existen diferencias porcentuales del uso de los tipos de redes sociales como medio de evangelización; en cuanto a programas que es su preferido en internet donde solo el 5.6% prefieren programas espirituales. Tercero, existen diferencias porcentuales de los mensajes compartidos en las redes sociales como medio de evangelización, comentarios en redes sociales, Usuario de redes sociales evangelísticas, Motivos de redes sociales, programas de evangelismo, frecuencia de retuitear, horario de programa evangelístico, aceptan a Jesús en redes sociales, aspectos de programas evangelísticos, frecuencia de ver programas evangelismos y predicador en redes sociales; según sexo, edad, estado civil, años de bautizado, años de asistencia a la iglesia. En el cual el 19.9% realizan comentarios en las redes sociales todos los días. Y por lo menos, 1 vez por semana respectivamente. El 54.2% afirma que rara vez se percibe como usuario de las redes sociales evangelistas y un 11.2% nunca se percibe como usuarios de las redes sociales evangelistas. Asimismo, el 80.4% considera que el motivo más importante por lo que utilizan las redes sociales es mantener contacto con amigos y familiares, y el 8.4% por ver un programa de contenido espiritual entre alabanzas y sermones.TesisLIMAEscuela Profesional de Ciencias de la ComunicaciónComunicación, publicidad y relaciones pública

    Un Enfoque de Lógica Borrosa para el Modelado de los Flujos de Pasajeros y el Tiempo de Parada

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    La estimación del flujo de pasajeros y el tiempo de parada en la estación constituyen importante tareas para la planificación de los sistemas de masivos de pasajeros. Sin embargo, los métodos clásicos son difíciles de aplicar para algunas aplicaciones prácticas. Este trabajo presenta un nuevo enfoque que modela el flujo de pasajeros y su efecto en los tiempos de abordaje y descenso de pasajeros en los sistemas de transporte masivos en presencia de incertidumbres. La técnica aplicada consiste en combinar el enfoque de las matrices origen destino con la aplicación de inteligencia artificial. El nuevo enfoque permite la inclusión de algún tipo de conocimiento intuitivo provisto a través de un motor de inferencia de lógica borrosa para predecir el flujo de demanda de los viajes de pasajeros, pasajeros descendiendo y abordando vagones en estaciones explícitas.La estimación del flujo de pasajeros y el tiempo de parada en la estación constituyen importante tareas para la planificación de los sistemas de masivos de pasajeros. Sin embargo, los métodos clásicos son difíciles de aplicar para algunas aplicaciones prácticas. Este trabajo presenta un nuevo enfoque que modela el flujo de pasajeros y su efecto en los tiempos de abordaje y descenso de pasajeros en los sistemas de transporte masivos en presencia de incertidumbres. La técnica aplicada consiste en combinar el enfoque de las matrices origen destino con la aplicación de inteligencia artificial. El nuevo enfoque permite la inclusión de algún tipo de conocimiento intuitivo provisto a través de un motor de inferencia de lógica borrosa para predecir el flujo de demanda de los viajes de pasajeros, pasajeros descendiendo y abordando vagones en estaciones explícitas